Hive Rockingham-3
County: Rockingham
Bee Race: Italian
Source: Swarm from overwintered hive
Queen: 2nd Year
Hive Name: 3 Three A
Hive details:
- 10 Frame Langstroth
- 20" off the ground
- hive entrance: Perforated metal mouse guard
- upper entrance: 3/4"
- bottom board: closed with foil lined foam insulation
- Stack (bottom to top):
deep,deep,inner cover, moisture vent system
- Winterization:
Use 1/2" foil covered foam insulation, quilt box
12/4/2020 Treated with oxalic acid and removed bulk feeder
12/6/2020 added quilt box
12/11/2020 Added foil covered foam Insulation board on all four sides.
1/17/2021 Hive received 1 Lb of fondant.
2/12/2021 Taking hive data manually Walking platform connected to the hive stand Walking on platform may disturb thebees.
​​2/22/2021 Added fondant.
3/11/2021 Removed winter inner cover and added a medicine shim and standard inner cover with entrance facing up. Bees very active.