2020 Winter Moisture Study

Click a button to see data from one of our study hives
Merrimack County
Strafford County
Belknap County
Rockingham County
North Attleboro, MA
The NHBA Winter Hive Survey (2017-2019) has listed moisture as one of the top 5 reasons for hive loss. To understand more about this issue, NHBA is running a Winter Hive Moisture study to collect data to see if we can correlate management practices to moisture issues.
You can participate :
- If you participated in last year's Winter hive survey and listed moisture as one of the reasons your hives died, you can let us know what led you to that conclusion. Did you see mold? water in the hive?, etc.
- By telling us details of how you are winterizing your hive, and in the spring, let us know if there are indications of moisture.
- If you have an electronic hive monitoring system that measures temperature & humidity (and ideally weight, but that is optional), you can contribute your data to the study.
Please check back frequently as we will be adding participants Live Stream Data to this page as it becomes available.
Scroll down in the window below to see an example (the temp & moisture data takes a minute to load)
If you have any questions, please send an email to heather.nhba@gmail.com.