Meredith-18 (NUC)
County: Belknap
Town: Meredith
Source: 2023 Split
Queen: July 2023
Hive Name: Meredith-18
Hive details:
- Divided deep, 4 frame NUC
- Stack: Deep,Deep, 2" feeding shim
- NO inner Cover
- NO slatted rack
- Colony faces south-east
- Winterization:
Outer Cover: Migratory
Bottom Board: closed
Top Insulation: 4" polystyrene
Moisture System: None
Wrap: 2" Polystyrene with Tarp loosely wrapped around hive sistered with colony #17
Upper Entrance : No
Lower Entrance : 1.5" x 3/8"
-Hive 17 and 18 share a bottom deep and are sistered next to Hive 5 and 8
-Feeding shim has hardware cloth stapled on inside of shim so there no gap between it and the deep it sits on.
- colony faces North West
- 11/25/23: winterized colony
-1/25/24 @~2:30-3pm : checked colony - all buzzing, noticed colony has made their own upper opening on the back of the colony (so they now have cross ventilation)
Hive 18:
4/9/24- handful eggs, no larva or capped brood. 4 frames of bees. No honey, no moisture, no mold.
Made upper entrance on opposite side of bottom opening

Live Stream
There are 1 sensor in the colony:
- Temp & Humidity : above upper broodbox -
"Outside" (pink line) is not from a sensor. It data pulled by broodminder from a weather data site