County: Rockingham
Town: Salem
Source: 2023 Package
Queen: 2023 Southern Queen
Hive Name: Salem-BbBees
Hive details:
- 10 Frame Apimaye
- Stack: Slatted Rack, Deep, Deep, Medium
- Colony faces East
- Winterization:
Outer Cover: Apimaye outer cover
Bottom Board: closed
Top Insulation: Built into the outer cover - nothing was added
Moisture System: None
Wrap: None
Upper Entrance : None
Lower Entrance : 3 bees width
Middle Entrances: on deep boxes
- Top one is closed
- Bottom one is set to ventilation -only but probably propolised shut
- Bees have propolized all of the small holes in the feeder.

January 6, 2024
December 10, 2023

Live Stream
There are 2 sensors in the colony:
- Temp only: above the lower broodbox -
Blue in the temperature graph
- Temp & Humidity : above upper broodbox -
Black line in temperature graph
Blue line in humidity graph
"Outside" (pink line) is not from a sensor. It data pulled by broodminder from a weather data site