November 21, 2023 @ 6am (~17F in apiary)
County: Belknap
Town: Gilmanton
Bee Race: Saskatraz
Source: Overwintered colony (2021 package)
Queen: 2021
Hive Name: Sask2
Hive details:
- 10 Frame Langstroth
- Stack: Medium,Medium,Medium,Medium, 1.5" feeding shim
- Winterization:
Colony Quilt + Cozy with reflectix covering the top so no snow gets in.
upper entrance : 1/2"x3/8" with a wind block
lower entrance : 1/2 oval - 1" x3/8" - on east side
hive stand base wrapped with Reflectix
- 11/5/23 : All sensors installed (ignore "custom(7)" data before this date)
- 11/11/23 : reduced lower entrance and have it on east side of colony
wrapped base.
- 11/21/2023 : wrapped with colony quilt & cozy at ~ 2pm. Added 3" of insulation above inner cover. Some bees were at the top -
- 12/16/23 : bees flying at noon - using both entrances
- 12/31/23 @ ~ 9:30am - removed ratchet straps didn't open colony
- 1/3/24 @ 11:30 ishchecked bottom boards - almost no bees
- 1/7/2024 12.5" of snow
- 1/16/24 @ ~ 4pm : snowy day - brushed off top of colony and bottom board
- 1/17/24 @ 8am snowy day - brushed off top of colony and bottom board
- 1/22/24 @ 1:30 peaked in and there were a few bees around box4-south sensor; cleared bees from bottom board (1/4-1/3 c); went to another colony - came back and the top rails were full of bees; added 1 lb sugar brick in center of shim
- 1/23/24 @ 7:30 pm: put plywood board against front of colonies to block snow from entrance
- 1/24/24 @ noon ish : brushed snow off colonies
-2/10/24 10:30am added 1 lb sugar brick - bees flying from top
- 2/23/24 @ noon - removed dead bees from bottom board - 3/4-1c
- 2/23/24 @ 1:15 - added 1 lb sugar brick to middle of shim - none of old brick was left; bees completely covered the rails of box4
- 3/1/24 - 2:15 - added 1 lb sugar brick to middle of shim - top of cluster covering 3/4 top rails; none of previous brick left
- 3/3/24 - 4:45 - put on ratchet straps
- 3/9/24 - 1:30 - added 1 lb sugar brick (mostly in middle), 1/2 global patty bees covering top rails

South side

West side

East side
North side
Live Stream
Sensor location notes:
"South" sensors - frame5, 2" from south side woodenware
"North" sensor - frame 5, 2" from north side woodenware
"East" sensor - frame 8, 2" from east side woodenware
"West" sensor - frame 2, 2" from west side woodenware
frames are counted from left to right when facing the front of the colony
"Outside" (pink line) is not from a sensor. It data pulled by broodminder from a weather data site