Hive Strafford2
County: Strafford
Bee Race: Northern
Source: NUC from overwintered colony
Queen: 1st Year
Hive Name: 6 NUC
Hive details:
- 5 Frame Langstroth
- 17" off the ground
- hive entrance: 3/8" x 1/2"
- upper entrance: 3/8" x 1/2"
- closed bottom board
- Stack (bottom to top):
Deep, deep, deep, inner cover, insulation
- Winterization:
bee cozy, tyvek, colony quilt, polystyrene 2" insulation on top
- 1-15-21 - A cleansing flight occurred at lower entrance.
- 2/24/21 Hive was dry
- 3-9-21 Bees Flying Top entrance
- 3-12-21 Open fed pollen
- 3-21-21 Natural Pollen Green, Light Yellow, Fed ¼ lb. Fondant, Fed 1/8 Lb. Pollen Patty
Dry inner cover
- 4-4-21 Dry inner cover bees up

Before Wrapping
Jan 20, 2021
Heat loss at inner cover
Heat generated on left & right are from banking nucs
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